Uwe Stöhr wrote:
asm23 schrieb:

I compiled the lyx file you give me, but compared with the pdf output. It seems my generated pdf use "Type 1" font.

My environment is Windows XP, and Miktex(updated to latest version), Lyx 1.6.2.

Mine too and your LyX example file therefore still uses Computer modern. But in your case it uses an outline font (Type 1) version of Computer modern. I guess you have a special setting in MiKTeX, because Type 1 Computer modern is not the default. But nevertheless, the preamble line in the LyX documentation files has its entitlement.

regards Uwe

Thanks for the reply.
In fact, when I installed Lyx 1.6.2, I halt configuration process, because it takes too many times.

First, the Miktex seems to be called from some python script, then it try to download the need package from internet(Quite strange, the update server was automatically changed to XXX.de, seems a server from Germany, that not the default setting after Miktex installation).

For me, I don't have a high speed network connection, I can't wait for more then 20 minutes updating, then I just close the CMD window, the installation finished.

That's maybe the reason my MikTex use a Type1 computer modern font.

My question is:

Since the outline Type 1 font is better than Type 3, why Lyx till use Type 3 by default?

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