I am curious to see if others have had the following issue with Beamer class
in LYX, and how they solved it.

In Beamer article mode, I would like to keep the content in slide frames
together and "separate" it from the rest, perhaps with a framed box.

The one driver for this request is that now if the slide is a just a figure
with a frametitle, the image float will sometimes go to another page and the
frametitle sits by itself in the article without any context as to why that
sentence fragment is there. Even if the image float is nearby, it still
looks a little odd.

At the very least, I would like some solution to force frametitles to stay
with the figure float (or less elegantly, remove frametitles if there is no
text) and still have LYX float the image in a nice way in the article mode.

One method might be to insert it in a Box environment with borders
(essentially replacing frames with a minipage/box).  As I expected, wrapping
a minipage around the frame throws errors. Another might be to insert a
snapshot picture of the slides in some automatic manner.  Either would work,
probably for me. I have read the description in "official" Beamer Guide for
these issues, but I am not sure I understood it well enough to do it in
LaTex, let alone do it do it efficiently in LYX. Also my searches did not
come up with anything else.

I would be able to use a partial solution now, but also note that this is
part of a quite long-term project (a textbook, lecture notes, and lecture
slides with common  outline, figures, and major points.). I am using several
branches for some issues, but also wish to minimize copying and revising two
entirely different sets of common items in separate branches or files. Thus,
if there is not now an good solution or the current hack is ugly, I would be
interested in hearing about a better solution that could work in the next
six months or so. (i.e. either someone comes on this a few months from now
or there is a planned feature in development).  A solution that would work
easily in Windows would be best, but could use an external linux/posix
scripts, if required.

Thanks for any advice or prior experience on how to do this!

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