Guys, believe me I did a lot of research regarding this, but until now I
was not able to make things works the way I want.
I'm developing (at least trying) my thesis, and I can't make things goes
the way I want.
I need the following style to Bibliography:
[Author Name, YEAR] <Last Name, First Name>;<Last Name, First Name>.
<Title of the book> <Publisher>. <Year>
a example would be:
[Reyes & Wiles, 2007] Reyes, A. & Wiles, J. Best Dawn Cybercrime and
Digital Forensics
Book. Syngress. 2007.
I'm from brazil, so I need or the sign & or the word E (the same as and)
to separate the names inside [].
I tried A LOT of styles, and finally I was able to find one that I
thought that meet my is the ALIKE2 style.
When I use it things are PERFECT!..
* When I create ANY citation in my document, ALL the things inside
the [ ] in Bibliography just disappear.
If I remove the citation, things back to normal and [Name of Author,
YEAR] came back.
Without Citation in document:
*[Reyes & Wiles, 2007] Reyes, A. & Wiles, J. Best Dawn Cybercrime and
Digital Forensics.Book. Syngress. 2007.
*With Citation in document:
*Reyes, A. & Wiles, J. Best Dawn Cybercrime and Digital Forensics.Book.
Syngress. 2007.
Why this happens?!
ANY Thoughts?!?!
I'm in this problem for weeks and I'm really tired of it, I would
appreciate a LOT if some one help me.