2009/5/15 daniel pereira <drpere...@ufl.edu>:
> Hello,
> I am running LyX 1.6.2 on a Mac (Intel) and using the script (pipe) of Mark
> Reid <http://www.threewordslong.com/projects/misc/bibdesktolyx/>. Although,
> when I go to: LyX, > insert > citation , there is no citations available. I
> understand that I can do this from (BibDesk > right click on article > Send
> to LyX, but running everything on LyX would be a lot easier. Am I supposed
> to "load" the list of references in some way on LyX?

Yes, in lyx go Insert > List/Toc > BibTex bibliography. And put it
where you want your bibliography to appear.

Best Regards
Lasse Tuominen

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