Hello! I'm using book layout from Lyx to create my thesis, and my questions is that how can I switch the font type of the final pdf, to vector type.
Currently if I apply 600% zoom in Acrobat Reader, I see that the fonts became blocky (like if you enlarge raster graphics). I would like to swith to a font type, with which no matter how much I zoom in it will be aliased (similar to vector graphics). The difference is visible with 100% zoom also, but it seems just blurry there, the through only comes when zooming in. I've got some thesises written in plain latex and generated through miktex, and they seem to be perfect scaling. Thanks for the replys. Please reply to me directly, I'm not on the list. Thanks, Peter PS: I'm using Windows XP SP2 with Lyx 1.6.1.