rgheck wrote:

>> Adding the appropriate ERT to my LyX document partially works. The
>> additional .aux files generated by multibib are correctly created in the
>> temp directory, however they don't get processed by bibtex and added to
>> the final PDF. I can cd to the temp directory and manually run bibtex and
>> pdflatex which works OK but it would be nice if there was some way to get
>> LyX to automatically process these files. Any hints?
> One option is to see if Jurgen has any ideas. He's pretty good with this
> stuff.

One way is to write a wrapper shell script, as described in the multibib 

for file in *.aux ; do
bibtex ‘basename $file .aux‘

save it in your $PATH and make sure LyX runs it instead of bibtex (you can 
adjust that in Preferences>Output>LaTeX>Bibtex command).

Another way (probably) is use a smart latex script such as latexmk:
I think this automatically handles multibib.

You can define a new format that runs latexmk instead of latex (without the 
"latex" flag).


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