>The package "changes" provides such a feature. I think it is possible to > rewrite LyX's \lyxchangeadded and \lyxchangedeleted to wrap the changes > package. > (In LyX 1.6.0, one could even write a module for that). > > Jürgen
I was trying to use "changes" with "\listofchanges", I could only produce something like: Autor: Anonym Eingefügt: 1 Gelöscht: 0 Ersetzt: 1 which I suppose it means the number of "\replaced" and "\added". However, I cannot manage to get it print out the entire list of changes like: "blah blah" is added on page 123 "blah blah" is removed on page 234 etc...etc.... Unfortunately the doc doesn't have any example on how the "\listofchanges" should look like. Any hint? Thx