I am new to LyX, but not as new to LaTeX : I used Kile for quiet a few time now. I would like to use LyX to work with several people on an article. As LyX is much more user-friendly than Kile, a pure LaTeX editor, I convinced my collaborators to give a try to LyX.
There is te least one thing in LyX (and LaTeX) that is not easy to handle, sharing a whole document to make it modifiable by others : one have to build an archive with all figures and latex source, collaborators have to untar it, open LyX, read/modify/etc... and then... rebuild archive, send the archive, etc... This is counter-productive, not easy to use, it is a pain. One simple solution I see for this is to give the ability to LyX to open, say .tar archives, with a specific tree inside (.yx sources, then figures/allFigures.Whatever or something). Such archive could be called .lyxZ files ;-) Does such feature exist already ? I searched over FAQ/Documentation/Asked on #LyX but did not find anything more than : two implementations were made once, but as nobody could say which was the best... none were released !! This is not _that_ complex to implement, but is there a way to have such feature now, or is there a way to at least release one relatively-good implementation ? Thanks a lot. Etienne Lepercq -- Sincerily