Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
On Sunday 05 April 2009 16:09:05 Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
Haha, now we know what this was about!
FYI we just hide the document selection combo since 1.6.0 because nobody
knew why this was needed. Maybe we can restore it back in 1.6.3 as we
found a user :-)


Please do.  I'm surprised that no one else would think this is important.
This feature is important to me because I do almost all my mathematical calculations using LyX and I frequently need to make references to equations that appear in other documents.

So far, I've been doing this using the xr.sty package. In fact, I've already posted an old issue about this topic:

If you could enable again the use of the "document selection combo", I'd be very grateful.

I'll see what I can do but it won't be soon. But I copy the devel list in case someone could do it before.

Guys, AFAIR this is just a matter of unhidding the buffer selection combo in the cross ref ui file.

 In fact It would be even more useful if the user could cross-
reference labels created in another document, even if it's not a child/master document.

Yes, this request is already in bugzilla AFAIR.


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