Anthony Campbell wrote:
On 07 Apr 2009, Ernesto Jardim wrote:
Dear developers,
I'd like to thank you for developing LyX !
I've just finished my PhD in Marine Science and I used LyX to write the
final document and the four papers that compose the PhD. I never had
problems, never lost documents, and all the minor issues were sorted out
in a few hours with the information on the web.
Thank you very much.
ps: off course I included LyX in the acknowledgements section
On my printed books I include an acknowledgement in the form:
Typeset using Lyx on Debian Gnu/Linux.
Mine was not so formal.
"I'd like to thank the Open Source community, and specifically the
developers of R (
and its packages, which I used for data analysis, and LyX
(, used for text editing."