Hi again,
Steve Litt wrote:
On Monday 06 April 2009 05:02:20 am Olivier Ripoll wrote:
Steve Litt wrote:
On Saturday 04 April 2009 06:34:40 am Pavel Sanda wrote:
Steve Litt wrote:
Hi all,
I decided to put a short statement at the beginning of each chapter. I
wanted it to be surrounded by lines, a little bit narrower than general
text, and I wanted the print slightly bigger than normal. Here's how I
did it:
convert to module and put it into wiki?
How do I make it into a module? I don't have 1.6.x yet.
Hi all,
Just for fun, I've tried to make a module out of it. I am no LaTeX
expert at all, so I have issues and perhaps someone can clarify them to me:
LaTeX complains about environment "Sbox" being undefined. I can work
around using "sbox" instead, but then, I still get plenty of errors. Is
Sbox different from sbox ? If so, should I add something to define it ?
My mistake. Sorry.
To get \Sbox to work, you must stick this in your preamble:
\usepackage{fancybox}% For Sbox command
So here we are, here is the content of "LittChapterIntro.module"(*) file
(between the dashed lines, those lines excluded of course):
#Puts a short statement at the beginning of each chapter.
#It is surrounded by lines, a little bit narrower than general text, and
prints slightly bigger than normal.
#Author: Steve Litt
Format 11
Style ChapterIntro
LatexType Environment
LatexName chapterintroL
Size Large
LeftMargin MMMMMM
RightMargin MMMMMM
TopSep 1.4
ItemSep 0.7
ParSep 0.7
BottomSep 1.0
\leftskip 10pt\rightskip 10pt\large ~\\[0.4\baselineskip]%
Works for me on Windows (Miktex, 1.6.2 "Alt" installer). But I'm not
sure I'll use it though ;-)
Best regards,
(*) one may use another file name of course