Nina Lafayette wrote:
> Am 24.03.2009, 15:29 Uhr, schrieb Guenter Milde
> <>:
> Hi folks,
> isn't there anybody who can put the debian binaries for Lyx 1.6.2 on a Web
> server? This would be great!

FWIW, I just uploaded lyx 1.6.2 to Debian unstable.

Should hit the mirrors soon.

> Thanks,
> Nina
>> On 2009-03-24, rgheck wrote:
>>> Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
>>>> ... I wonder whether somebody has used the alien prg for the SuSe rpm
>>>> package. Is it recommendable or better to use the source code?
>>> Once you get used to it, using the source is very easy.
>> But until this, you may spend some time trying (I spent months).
>>> In fact, even better, download the 1.6 branch from svn and compile
>>> that. Then keep it up to date, recompile it every once in a while, and
>>> you'll always have the absolutely latest fixes, without waiting for a
>>> new release.
>> Seconded.
>>> To do this, make sure you have the toolchain installed: autotools, make,
>>> gcc. You'll also need some devel packages, though I'd be surprised if
>>> pulling in the devel package for Qt4 wasn't enough to pull in the rest.
>> Under Debian, you can install all that is required to compile lyx with
>> `apt-get build-dep lyx`.
>>> Then make a directory for the sources and do this:
>>> # cd /my/src/dir
>>> # svn co svn://
>>> # cd BRANCH_1_6_X
>>> # ./
>>> # ./configure --enable-build-type rel --prefix /usr/local
>>> ---that last is of course optional, but then you won't overwrite the LyX
>>> package.
>> I use
>>     ./configure --with-version-suffix=16 --enable-build-type=release
>> so that I can start the packed version (1.6.1 here) with `lyx` and the
>> home-grown with `lyx16`. This has also the effect of using separate user
>> LYXDIRS (~/.lyx vs. ~/.lyx16). The --prefix /usr/local seems to be the
>> default.
>>> # make
>>> # sudo make install
>>> And there you go. Absolutely up to date.
>> And for moving the binary to another machine:
>>   # "make DESTDIR=/tmp/lyx-svn install"
>> and then make an archive of everything in /tmp/lyx-svn.
>> Günter

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