Piero Faustini wrote:
> You're right, it isn't a problem of sideways float, only with  the
> \sideways command introduced by the rotate table/cell checkboxes, which
> worked just perfect beofre my MikTeX update. 99% sure the problem is the
> rotating package, but I still didn't try to restore the old version.
> here's how I reproduce it:
> make a new doc: enter a 2x2 table and apply the "rotate table by 90°"
> option in the table options, or just a "rotate cell" and try to compile:
> The dialog tells me:
> "A <box> was supposed to be here."
> " \begin{sideways}
> I was expecting to see \hbox or \vbox or \copy or \box or
> something like that. So you might find something missing in
> your output. But keep trying; you can fix this later."
> If you can't reproduce the error, tell me please.

I can reproduce it with rotating 2.16 (and not with rotating 2.15c). So I 
submitted a bug report to comp.text.tex, because Robin Fairbairns (the package 
maintainer) is actively participating that newsgroup.


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