On Thursday 26 March 2009 09:15:25 am Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> rgheck wrote:
> > I think you jus thave to do it the hard way:
> >
> > \renewenvironment{quotation}
> > {\small\list{}{\listparindent 1em%
> > \itemindent    \listparindent
> > \rightmargin   \leftmargin
> > \parsep        \z@ \...@plus\p@}%
> > \item\relax}
> > {\endlist}
> Or a bit easier (and more generalizable):
> \newcommand*{\OriginalQuotation}{}
> \let\OriginalQuotation\quotation
> \renewcommand*{\quotation}{\OriginalQuotation\small}
> JÃŧrgen


What's the purpose of \newcommand*{\OriginalQuotation}{}? I've always done the 
\let statements without first declaring them as a new command. Do you gain 
anything by predeclaring them? Also, I also do this:


So mine always looked something like this:


The EndOriginalQuotation is something that appears to be called automagically 
when an environment called OriginalQuotation goes out of scope (or whatever 
you call that concept in the LaTeX world). So even though you don't mention 
it in your actual environment modification, I've found it's still sometimes 


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

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