On Tuesday 24 March 2009 15:57:11 killermike wrote:
> On Tuesday 24 March 2009 13:39:00 Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > Since there seems to be no deb package of lyx 1.6.2 yet for debian, I
> > wonder whether somebody has used the alien prg for the SuSe rpm package.
> > Is it recommendable or better to use the source code?
> >
> > Wolfgang
> If it makes any difference, I found 1.6.x the easiest LyX build I have ever
> done when I did it on Ubuntu 8.10. I added LyX 1.5.x, using the package
> manager and then just did ./configure make sudo make install on the 1.6.x
> source code. The one thing I had to add was a dev package for aspell.

There is an easy way to make debian packages: use checkinstall. Here is what I 
1)./configure --prefix=/usr --program-suffix=-1.6  --with-version-suffix=-1.6 
3)checkinstall -D 
The last command must be entered as root, and it will create and install the 
corresponding lyx .deb package.

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