Hello, I must have missed some latex class at the installation. When I open Help/Math:
LyX: Document class not available The layout file requested by this document, scrartcl.layout, is not usable. This is probably because a Latex class or style file required by it is not available. See the Customization doc for more information. Lyx will not be able to to produce output. Attached is my LatexConfig.txt regards,
Inventor. o. you. LATE. conguratio. Automaticall. generate. b. LY. (d. no. edit). Marc. 13. 200. Thi. l. describe. th. dieren. LATEX add-on. tha. LYX ca. handle. Belo. you'l. n. si. sections: 1. Som. basic detail. abou. you. LATEX installation. I. particular, yo. shoul. mak. sur. tha. you. versio. o. LATEX i. recen. enough. 2. Som. commo. font. tha. LYX know. about. Thi. i. rathe. spars. a. th. moment. 3. Th. documen. classe. tha. shoul. b. standar. o. an. LATEX implementation. Thi. sectio. i. onl. her. fo. completeness. 4. Som. optiona. documen. classe. tha. LYX know. about. I. on. o. thes. i. marke. a. missin. (th. Found ite. i. no) an. yo. nee. it. functionality, yo. ca. grab i. a. you. neares. CTAN ft. site. a. th. locatio. indicate. i. th. CTAN item. Not. tha. onl. detecte. documen. classe. ca. b. selecte. a. documen. layout. i. LYX. 5. Th. package. tha. hav. bee. stampe. required b. th. LATEX maintainers. Thes. one. shoul. denitel. b. present, bu. yo. ma. no. hav. som. o. the. i. you. LATEX distributio. i. a bi. old. 6. Som. package. tha. LYX use. whe. yo. tr. t. chang. th. margin. o. you. document. Th. detectio. o. thes. item. doe. no. ye. aec. th. option. availabl. insid. LYX. 7. Som. commo. LATEX package. tha. yo. migh. nee. wit. LYX, an. yo. migh. als. wan. t. ad. t. you. LATEX installation. Th. detectio. o. thes. item. doe. no. ye. aec. th. option. availabl. insid. LYX. . Th. participatin. host. i. th. Comprehensiv. TE. Archiv. Networ. are. ftp://ctan.org/tex-archive. ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archiv. ftp://ctan.tug.org/tex-archiv. ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archiv. Ther. ar. als. . zillio. mirro. site. whic. ar. liste. a. th. thre. primar. sites. 1 Not. tha. mos. o. thes. package. wil. b. availabl. i. yo. us. a moder. TEX distributio. suc. a. TEXLiv. an. MiKTEX. I. yo. decid. t. instal. on. o. th. missin. items, yo. shoul. tel. LYX abou. it. Afte. th. installation, pleas. us. th. men. entr. Tool. . Recongur. an. reloa. thi. l. t. se. i. th. ne. packag. wa. recognized. I. th. Found item. rea. no, i. mean. tha. LYX coul. no. d. th. inventor. o. you. LATEX conguratio. fo. som. reason. I. mos. cases, yo. onl. hav. forgotte. t. updat. th. l. nam. databas. (texhash). Chec. th. documentatio. o. you. LATEX distributio. fo. ho. thi. i. don. properly. . Font. 1.. E. font. Found. ye. CTAN. fonts/e. Notes. LATEX doe. no. requir. th. us. o. e. fonts, howeve. the. ar. strongl. recommended. Th. e. font. ar. availabl. i. a mor. natura. rang. o. size. an. allo. bette. hyphenatio. an. kernin. tha. th. ol. font. suc. a. cmr10. I. yo. alread. hav. th. so-calle. d. font. installed, pleas. upgrad. t. th. e. fonts, whic. replac. them. The. ar. use. automaticall. i. LYX determine. tha. yo. hav. the. installed. 1.. Lati. Moder. Found. ye. CTAN. fonts/lm. Notes. Th. Lati. Moder. font. ar. PostScrip. version. o. LATEX' standar. fon. (Compute. Modern). The. ai. t. becom. th. defaul. LATEX fon. eventually. W. recommen. t. us. the. instea. o. othe. PostScrip. version. o. Compute. Moder. (lik. AE). 1.. Almos. Europea. (AE. Found. ye. CTAN. fonts/ae. Notes. Th. A. packag. provid. virtua. PostScrip. version. o. LATEX' standar. fon. (Compute. Modern). Unles. yo. rel. o. specia. characters, w. recommen . t. us. Lati. Moder. instead. 2 1.. Ec. Found. n. CTAN. fonts/eco. Notes. Th. ec. packag. i. use. b. LYX t. acces. th. ol. styl. numeral. o. th. Compute. Moder. fon. family. 1.. psnfs. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/required/psnfss. Notes. Th. psnfs. bundl. allow. yo. t. chang. th. font. use. b. LYX t. on. o. th. 35 classica. font. availabl. o. PostScrip. printers. Currently, th. suppor. fo. psnfs. i. limite. i. LYX: yo. ca. onl. chos. a fe. combination. o. PostScrip. font. i. Layout->Document. Dieren. version. o. psnfs. provid. dieren. fon. packages. Eve. i. LYX support. th. deprecate. package. a. well, w. recommen. tha. yo. tak. car. t. hav. th. newes. one. installed. A recen. psnfs. bundl. shoul. a. leas. include: avan. (Avan. Garde). Found. ye. bookma. (Bookman). Found. ye. chancer. (Zap. Chancery). Found. ye. charte. (Charter). Found. ye. courie. (Courier). Found. ye. helve. (Helvetica). Found. ye. mathpaz. (newes. Palatin. support). Found. ye. mathppl. (deprecate. Palatin. support). Found. ye. mathpt. (deprecate. Time. support). Found. ye. mathptm. (newes. Time. support). Found. ye. newcen. (Ne. Centur. Gothic). Found. ye. pifon. (Zap. Dingbats). Found. ye. utopi. (Utopia). Found. ye. 3 1.. fourier-GUTenber. Found. n. CTAN. fonts/fourier-GU. Notes. Th. fourie. packag. provide. suppor. fo. th. Utopia PostScrip. font. Contrar. t. th. utopi. packag. tha. ship. wit. PSNFS. bundle, i. als. provide. suitabl. mat. fonts. I. thi. packag. i. installed, i. wil. b. use. instea. o. utopi. i. yo. selec. th. Utopia font. 1.. C. brigh. Found. n. CTAN. fonts/cmbrigh. Notes. CM brigh. i. a san. seri. fon. tha. als. provide. nic. san. seri. mat. fonts. 1.. Ber. Found. n. CTAN. fonts/ber. Notes. Th. bera font. ar. a clon. o. Bitstrea. Vera, includin. Bera Seri. (a slab-seri. Roman), Bera San. (a Frutige. descendant), an. Bera Mon. (monospaced/typewriter). 1.. Concret. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/ccfonts. Notes. Th. ccfont. packag. provide. suppor. fo. th. fon. tha. ha. bee. designe . b. Donal. Knut. fo. hi. Concret. Mathematic. book, henc. calle. concret. fonts. 1.1. LuxiMon. Found. n. CTAN. fonts/LuxiMono. Notes. Th. luximon. packag. provide. suppor. fo. th. monospace. Luxida Mon. font. 4 1.1. tipa/tip. Found. n. CTAN. fonts/tipa. Notes. Th. tip. packag. provide. comprehensiv. suppor. an. font. fo. typesettin . phonetic symbols, a. dene. i. th. Internationa. Phoneti. Alphabe. (IPA). Th. inpu. o. thes. symbol. i. provide. b. LYX'. mat. edito. an. via th. Inser. . Specia. Characte. . Symbols. . . dialog. . Standar. LATE. documen. classe. Th. documen. classe. presente. i. thi. sectio. ar. th. basic documen. classe. provide. b. LATEX. I. particular, the. ar. al. presen. o. you. syste. a. lon. a. LATEX 2e i. installed. Whe. th. tex. indicate. tha. a particula. clas. ha. no. bee. found, thi. mean. th. layou. l. supportin. thi. particula. clas. ha. no. bee. found. 2.. articl. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A Notes. Th. standar. documen. clas. articl. i. use. t. typ. article. o. shor. texts. I. i. th. basic LATEX documen. class. 2.. repor. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A Notes. Th. standar. documen. clas. repor. i. simila. t. articl. bu. i. slightl. mor. structure. (suppor. fo. dieren. parts). 2.. boo. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A Notes. Th. standar. documen. clas. boo. is, a. it. nam. suggests, intende. t. produc. books. I. support. i. particula. sectionin. b. chapters. 5 2.. lette. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A Notes. Th. standar. documen. clas. lette. i. th. basic clas. fo. writin. letters, mostl. i. English. 2.. slide. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A Notes. Th. standar. documen. clas. slide. i. intende. t. produc. transparencies. I. i. no. ver. wel. supporte. b. LYX. I. i. advise. t. us. foil. instea. i. i. i. availabl. (se. 3.15). 2.. amsar. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/required/amslatex/classes. Notes. Th. documen. clas. amsar. i. a. alternativ. t. th. clas. article. I. i. par. o. th. AMS-LATEX packag. an. i. use. fo. typesettin. o. mathematic. wit. a loo. th. America. Mathematica. Societ. ha. developed. The. recommen. i. fo. th. preparatio. o. manuscript. intende. fo. publicatio. bot. i. th. Society'. book. an. journals, an. als. i. othe. mathematica. literature. Th. Societ. request. tha. publishe. document. prepare. wit. AMS-LATEX includ. a. acknowledgmen. o. it. use. LYX suppor. i. stil. limited. . Additiona. documen. classe. 3.. a. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A (availabl. fro. ft. sit. ftp.edpsciences.or. i. director. /pub/aa/) Notes. Th. documen. clas. a. (Versio. 5.01) ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. submissio. t. th. scientic journa. Astronom. an. Astrophysicspublishe. b. EDP Sciences. 6 3.. aaste. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A (availabl. fro. th. America. Astronomica. Society'. ft. sit. ftp.aas.or. i. director. /pubs) Notes. Th. documen. clas. aaste. ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. submissio . t. th. America. journal. Astrophysica. Journal. Astronomica. Jour. na. an. Publication. o. th. Astronomica. Societ. o. th. Pacic. 3.. AG. Journal. Found. yes, ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/aguplu. Notes. Th. documen. clas. jgrg. ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. th. Journa. o. Geophysica. Research, publishe. b. th. America. Geophysica. Union. Th. layou. consist. o. tw. parts: th. genera. par. aguplus.inc, an. th. journa. specic par. jgrga.layout. I. i. no. ver. thoroughl. teste. yet. I. woul. b. straightforwar. t. exten. thi. t. suppor. othe. publication. o. th. AGU. Th. documen. clas. agum. (l. agums.layout) ca. b. use. t. writ. article . fo. rst-tim. submissio. t. AGU editor. (e. g., fo. revie. an. cop. editing) 3.. beame. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/beame. Notes. ALATEX clas. fo. producin. presentation. an. slides. 3.. broadwa. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A (mus. b. installe. fro. th. tex. subdirector. o. LYX sourc. distribution) Notes. Th. documen. clas. broadwa. i. fo. writin. plays. I. i. no. a. existin. LATEX documen. class, bu. a ne. on. whic. i. distribute. wit. LYX. 7 3.. cl2emul. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A FTP. ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/compsc/proc/autho. Notes. Th. documen. clas. cl2emul. i. fo. writin. mult. authore. Springe. books. 3.. dinbrie. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/dinbrief. Notes. Th. documen. clas. dinbrie. ca. b. use. t. typ. letter. accordin. t. Germa. conventions. 3.. docboo. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A WWW. http://www.sgmltools.or. Notes. Th. documen. clas. docboo. i. no. a LATEX documen. class. I. i. designe . t. produc. Docboo. SGML documents, which, i. turn, ca. b. exporte. a. HTML, RTF, text, o. dv. (throug. jadetex). Yo. nee. th. sgmltool. v2.0 packag. installe. t. us. this. 3.. dt. Found. ye. CTAN. usergrps/dante/dtk. Notes. Th. documen. clas. dt. ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. th. Journa. o. th. Germa. TEX Use. Grou. Di. TEXnisch. Komödie. WWW. http://www.dante.d. 3.1. eg. (Europea. Geophysica. Societ. journals. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A Notes. Th. documen. clas. eg. ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. th. Europea. Geophysica. Society. 8 3.1. elsar. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/elsevier. WWW. http://authors.elsevier.com. Notes. Thi. packag. i. intende. fo. producin. journa. article. fo. publicatio. b. Elsevie. Science. 3.1. entc. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A WWW. http://math.tulane.edu/~entcs. Notes. Th. documen. clas. entc. i. Elsevie. Science'. Electronic Note. i. Theoretica . Compute. Scienc. articl. style, use. fo. th. ENTCS series, an. man. conferenc. proceedings. 3.1. europec. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/europec. Notes. Th. europec. documen. clas. i. intende. t. provid. curriculu. vitae. (resumes) accordin. t. th. ocia. guideline. o. th. europea. communit. (europass). I. therefor. support. th. europea. languag. self-assessment. A. exampl. curriculu. vita. create. usin. thi. documen. clas. ca. b. foun. i. th. examples. 3.1. extsize. Found. extarticle: yes, extbook: yes, extreport: yes, extletter: ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/extsizes. Notes. Thes. documen. classe. ar. equivalen. t. th. correspondin. standar. classe. (article, book, . . . ) wit. additiona. document-wid. fon. sizes. 9 3.1. foil. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/foiltex. Notes. Th. documen. clas. foil. (aka FoilTEX) provide. a. alternativ. t. th. standar. slide. clas. t. mak. transparencies. I. allow. cros. references, use. a les. ugl. font, an. i. i. genera. muc. bette. t. us. tha. slides. I. doe. no. howeve. hav. som. o. th. advance. feature. foun. i. th. semina. class, whic. i. no. currentl. supporte. b. LYX. Not. that, du. t. it. somewha. restrictiv. license, i. i. no. include. i. fre. TEX distribution. lik. teTEX. 3.1. g-brief-e. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/g-brief. Notes. Th. documen. clas. g-brief-e. ca. b. use. t. typ. commercia. letter. wit. a nic. outt. 3.1. g-brief-d. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/g-brief. Notes. Th. documen. clas. g-brief-d. i. th. sam. a. th. abov. g-brief-e. onl. wit. germa. labels. 3.1. g-brief. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/g-brief. Notes. Th. documen. clas. g-brief. ca. b. use. t. typ. commercia. letter. wit. a nic. outt. It'. th. successo. o. g-brief, it. bette. congurable, bu. no. backwar. compatibl. t. g-brief. A templat. documen. usin. thi. documen. clas. i. shippe. wit. LYX. 3.1. hollywoo. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A (mus. b. installe. fro. th. tex. subdirector. o. LYX sourc. distribution) 10 Notes. Th. documen. clas. hollywoo. ca. b. use. t. typ. spec script. fo. th. U.S. l. industry. I. i. no. a. existin. LATEX documen. class, bu. a ne. on. whic. i. distribute. wit. LYX. 3.2. IEEEtra. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran. Notes. Th. clas. IEEEtra. produce. document. suitabl. fo. submissio. t. mos. o. th. IEEE Transactions. Yo. shoul. consul. th. IEEE Autho. Informatio . page. a. http://www.ieee.or. i. yo. inten. t. us. thi. class. Not. tha. ther. ar. bot. IEEEtran.cl. an. IEEEtran.st. les. Yo. mus. ge. th. .cl. l. fo. us. wit. LYX a. th. .st. l. i. fo. LATEX 2.09 only. Als. not. tha. i. you. ieeetran.cl. i. i. lowercas. lik. thi. exampl. LYX wil. no. n. i. an. yo. shoul. upgrad. t. a newe. versio. whic. ha. IEEE i. capitals. 3.2. ijmp. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A WWW. availabl. fro. th. sit. http://www.worldscinet.com/ijmpc/mkt. guidelines.shtml. Notes. Th. documen. clas. ijmp. ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. submissio. t. th. Internationa. Journa. o. Moder. Physic. C (usuall. abbreviate. a. IJMPC), publishe. b. Worl. Scientic. 3.2. ijmp. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A WWW. availabl. fro. th. sit. http://www.worldscinet.com/ijmpd/mkt. guidelines.shtml. Notes. Th. documen. clas. ijmp. ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. submissio. t. th. Internationa. Journa. o. Moder. Physic. D (usuall. abbreviate. a. IJMPD), publishe. b. Worl. Scientic. 11 3.2. iopar. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A WWW. availabl. fro. th. sit. ftp://ftp.iop.org/pub/journals/latex2e. Notes. Th. documen. clas. iopar. ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. th. journa. publishe. b. th. Institut. o. Physic. (IOP). 3.2. Japanes. standar. classe. Found. jreport: yes, jbook: yes, tarticle: yes, treport: yes, tbook: ye. CTAN. install/language/japanese/ptex.tds.zi. Notes. Thes. documen. classe. provid. dieren. version. o. th. bas. LATEX documen . classe. article, repor. an. book. The. ar. modie. t. sui. Japanes. writing. Classe. beginnin. wit. t- shoul. b. use. fo. traditiona. vertica. writing. 3.2. Japanes. ne. standar. classe. Found. jsarticle: yes, jsbook: ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/jsclasses. Notes. Thes. documen. classe. provid. dieren. version. o. th. bas. LATEX documen. classe. article, repor. an. boo. wit. bette. loo. fo. Japanes. typesettings. Equivalenc. o. th. repor. clas. ca. b. obtaine. b. usin. th. jsboo. clas. wit. optio. report. 3.2. js. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A WWW. availabl. fro. http://www.jstatsoft.org/downloads/JSSstyle.zip. Notes. Th. documen. clas. js. ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. th. Journa. o. Statistica. Softwar. (JSS). 12 3.2. kluwe. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A WWW. availabl. fro. th. Kluwe. Academic Publisher. sit. http://www. wkap.nl/kaphtml.htm/STYLEFILES. Notes. Th. documen. clas. kluwe. ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. submissio. t. th. journal. publishe. b. Kluwe. Academic Publishers, suc. a. Astro. physic. an. Spac. Science. Sola. Physic. an. man. other. (se. a ful. lis. a. http://www.wkap.nl/jrnllist.htm/JRNLHOME). 3.2. KOMA-Scrip. Found. scrartcl: yes, scrreprt: yes, scrbook: ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/koma-script. Notes. Thes. documen. classe. provid. dieren. version. o. th. bas. LATEX documen. classe. article, repor. an. book. The. hav. bee. change. t. loo. somewha. bette. an. b. mor. adapte. t. europea. typesettin. standards. 3.2. KOMA-Scrip. lette. Found. scrlettr: yes, scrlttr2: ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/koma-script. Notes. Thes. lette. classe. ar. bundle. wit. th. Koma-Scrip. classe. (se. 3.28). LYX provide. layout. fo. bot. th. ol. (no. unsupported) scrlett. clas. an. th. new, muc. mor. exibl. scrlttr. class, whic. wa. introduce. wit. Koma-Scrip. versio. 2.9 (release. 2002-06-21). 3.3. latex. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A Notes. Th. clas. latex. i. actuall. a LATEX styl. l. tha. add. som. extra feature. t. th. articl. documen. class. I. produce. document. suitabl. fo. submissio. t. IEEE Conferences. Th. LATEX le. (includin. BibTEX styl. le) ar. distribute. wit. th. Autho. Ki. fo. IEEE sponsore. conferences. 13 3.3. linuxdo. Found. n. CTAN. N/A Notes. Th. clas. linuxdo. i. no. a LATEX documen. class. I. i. designe. t. produc. LinuxDoc-SGML documents, which, i. turn, ca. b. exporte. a. HTML, RTF, tex. or... LATEX. Yo. nee. t. hav. th. sgml-tool. (previousl. know. a. LinuxDoc) se. o. program. installe. t. us. this. 3.3. llnc. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A Notes. Th. documen. clas. llnc. ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. submissio. t. th. Springe. journa. Lectur. Note. i. Compute. Science. LATEX document . ar. availabl. fro. Springer'. ft. sit. o. th. followin. URL: ftp://trick.ntp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/llncs/latex2e. Th. LYX layou. l. fo. thi. documen. clas. i. stil. insucientl. tested. 3.3. memoi. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/memoir. Notes. memoi. i. a exibl. clas. fo. typesettin. genera. ction, non-ctio. an. mathematica. work. a. books, reports, article. o. manuscripts. Document. ca. us. 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 o. 17p. a. th. norma. fon. size. Man. method. ar. provide. t. le. yo. creat. you. ow. particula. design. 3.3. modernc. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/modernc. Notes. Th. modernc. documen. clas. i. intende. t. provid. nic. lookin. curriculu . vita. (resume). I. provide. bibliograph. suppor. (usefu. fo. academics). A. exampl. curriculu. vita. create. usin. thi. documen. clas. ca. b. foun. i. th. examples. 14 3.3. mwcl. (mwart. mwbk. mwrep. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/mwcls. Notes. Thes. documen. classe. provid. dieren. version. o. th. bas. LATEX documen. classe. article, repor. an. book. The. hav. bee. adapte. t. polis. typesettin. standard. b. Marci. Woli«ski. 3.3. pape. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/paper. Notes. Th. documen. clas. pape. provide. a. alternativ. t. th. standar. articl. class. I. provide. simila. functionality, bu. yo. migh. prefe. thi. layou. wit. san. seri. sections, headings, an. more. 3.3. powerdo. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/powerdo. Notes. ALATEX clas. fo. producin. presentation. an. slides. 3.3. SPI. Found. ye. CTAN. N/A WWW. http://public.lanl.gov/kmh/spie. Notes. spie.cl. i. a LATEX clas. fo. submission. t. th. Proceeding. o. SPIETh. Internationa. Societ. fo. Optica. Engineering.Mor. inf. o. submittin. a manuscrip. ca. b. foun. a. th. SPIE websit. underhttp://spie.org. app/Publications/index.cfm?fuseaction=authinfo&type=proceedings. 3.3. REVTE. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex209/contrib/revtex. Notes. Thi. class, whic. use. th. REVTEX 3 class, ha. bee. supersede. b. th. revtex. class, s. yo. shoul. us. tha. instead. (Ol. revte. clas. document. shoul. b. prett. eas. t. chang. t. th. ne. class.) I. yo. hav. t. us. thi. clas. fo. som. reason, yo. shoul. us. th. l. revtex.cl. fro. th. tex. subdirector. o. LYX sourc. distribution. 15 3.4. REVTE. . Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/revtex. Notes. REVTEX 4 i. a clas. use. fo. submittin. manuscript. t. journal. includin . APS (Physica. Revie. A-E an. Letters, Review. i. Moder. Physics, Specia. TopicsAccelerator. an. Beams), th. America. Institut. o. Physics, th. Optica. Societ. o. America, an. th. Societ. fo. Exploratio. Geophysicists. Als. se. http://publish.aps.org/revtex4/. 3.4. SIAMLTE. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/siam/siamltex.ta. Notes. Th. Societ. fo. Industria. an. Applie. Mathematics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, want. t. ensur. qualit. typesettin. accordin. t. SIAM styl. standard. b. providin. thi. LATEX style. 3.4. simplec. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/simplec. Notes. Th. simplec. documen. clas. i. intende. t. provid. a simpl. ye. elegan. wa. t. writ. you. curriculu. vita. (resume). I. i. rathe. minimalist, bu. ha. nic. feature. lik. bibliograph. suppor. (usefu. fo. academics). Thi. i. a repackagin. o. th. c. clas. tha. ha. bee. availabl. wit. LYX fo. a lon. time. Th. chang. o. nam. ha. bee. mad. necessar. b. th. existenc. o. anothe. c. clas. o. CTAN. A. exampl. curriculu. vita. create. usin. thi. documen. clas. ca. b. foun. i. th. examples. 3.4. Springe. Unspeci. Journa. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/springer/svjour/globa. WWW. http://www.springeronline.co. Notes. Svgloba. i. a forma. suitabl. fo. publicatio. i. a Springe. journa. fo. whic. a specic styl. i. no. provided; i. g., i. th. journa. autho. guideline. a. th. abov. Springe. sit. sugges. usin. th. svgloba. style. Th. correspondin . documentclas. le. an. associate. materia. ca. b. foun. o. th. Springe. site. Th. layou. consist. o. tw. parts: svjour.in. (whic. i. generic fo. al. Springe. journals) an. svglobal.layout, whic. include. 16 svjour.in. an. i. th. defaul. styl. fo. an. Springe. Journa. withou. an. specic style. Yo. ca. writ. you. ow. sv<journal>.layou. t. suppor. an. othe. Springe. journal. (hint, hint!). Not. tha. yo. nee. t. specif. th. globa. extra documentclas. optio. whic. i. include. i. th. clas. defaults. 3.4. Springe. Journa. o. Geodes. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/springer/svjour/jo. WWW. http://www.springeronline.co. Notes. svjo. i. fo. th. journa. format. use. b. Springe. Verlag, i. particula. tha. o. Journa. o. Geodesy. I. i. no. ver. wel. teste. yet. Fo. mor. information, se. sectio. 3.43. 3.4. Springe. Probabilit. Theor. an. Relate. Field. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/springer/svjour/proth. WWW. http://www.springeronline.co. Notes. svprobt. i. a forma. suitabl. fo. publicatio. i. th. journa. Probabilit. Theor. an. Relate. Fields. Fo. mor. information, se. sectio. 3.43. 3.4. TUGboa. Found. ye. CTAN. plain/contrib/tugboat.ta. Notes. Th. documen. clas. ltugboa. ca. b. use. t. writ. article. fo. th. Journa. o. th. TEX Use. Grou. TUGboat. WWW. http://www.tug.or. 3.4. Internationa. Societ. fo. Photogrammetr. an. Re. mot. Sensin. Foun. ye. CTAN. N/A Notes. ispr. ca. b. use. fo. writin. article. fo. thi. Society'. journals. WWW. http://www.photogrammetry.ethz.ch/tarasp_workshop/isprs.cl. 17 . Require. package. Thi. sectio. contain. package. whic. hav. bee. declare. a. required b. th. LATEX maintainers. Yo. shoul. reall. conside. upgradin. you. LATEX setu. i. on. o. the. i. no. detected. 4.. arra. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/required/tools. Notes. Th. packag. arra. i. neede. b. LYX t. b. abl. t. outpu. vertica. alignmen . othe. the. top fo. tabulars. 4.. babe. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/required/babel. Notes. Th. packag. babe. allow. yo. t. customiz. you. documen. fo. you. favorit. languag. (se. th. Documen. . Settings. . . . Languag. popup). I. particular, i. handle. hyphenatio. an. automatic translatio. o. al. label. lik. Chapter an. Tabl. o. contents. Thi. packag. i. no. neede. i. yo. onl. pla. t. writ. i. English, excep. i. yo. wan. t. us. non-Englis. quotes. You. LATEX installatio. ha. hyphenatio. pattern. fo. th. followin. languages: no. I. a languag. yo. us. i. no. o. thi. list, yo. shoul. recongur. you. LATEX installatio. t. includ. it. Fo. teTEX, thi. mean. runnin. texconfig. 4.. b. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/required/tools. Notes. Th. b. packag. dene. command. t. acces. bol. mat. symbols. Th. basic comman. i. \b. whic. make. it. argumen. bold. Th. argumen. ma. b. an. mat. objec. fro. a singl. symbo. t. a. expression. I. available, ultra bol. font. ca. b. accese. throug. th. \h. comman. (aliase. t. \heavysymbol). Th. \b. comman. i. simila. t. th. amsmat. \boldsymbo. command, bu. th. b. versio. i. rathe. mor. carefu. i. th. wa. i. doe. things. B. awar. tha. thi. packag. allocate. symbo. font. fo. bol. font. int. th. norma. mat. version, suc. that, whe. usin. othe. package. tha. allocat. man. symbo. fonts, the. ca. b. exhausted. I. thi. case, on. ca. mak. d. wit. th. \boldsymbo. command. 18 4.. booktab. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/booktabs. Notes. Th. packag. booktab. i. neede. b. LYX t. b. abl. t. outpu. correctl. forma. tables. 4.. colo. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/required/graphics. Notes. Th. packag. colo. i. neede. b. LYX t. handl. colore. text. Thes. color. wil. no. sho. i. th. DVI previe. window, bu. wil. b. correc. o. th. printe. outpu. o. wit. a PostScrip. previewer. Thi. packag. i. bundle. wit. th. graphic. package. 4.. graphic. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/required/graphics. Notes. Th. packag. graphic. i. neede. b. LYX t. inser. PostScrip. gure. (usin. th. ne. graphic. inset). Yo. wil. als. nee. ghostscrip. t. se. the. o. screen. 4.. hyperre. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/hyperref. Notes. Th. packag. hyperre. i. neede. b. LYX t. b. abl. t. se. PDF propertie. fo. you. documen. an. t. creat. hyperlinks. 4.. longtabl. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/required/tools. Notes. Th. packag. longtabl. i. neede. b. LYX t. b. abl. t. outpu. correctl. multipag. tables. 19 4.. relsiz. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/misc. Notes. Th. packag. relsiz. i. neede. b. LYX t. correctl. siz. unicod. symbol. use. a. supe. o. subscript. i. math. 4.1. textcom. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/unpacked/textcomp.st. Notes. Th. packag. textcom. i. neede. b. LYX t. outpu. som. specia. symbol. lik. th. EURO currenc. sign. Th. packag. i. par. o. th. LATEX bas. distributio. an. shoul. alread. b. installe. o. you. system. 4.1. variore. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/required/tools. Notes. Th. packag. variore. introduce. som. command. t. generat. reference. wit. a. informatio. abou. th. pag. o. th. referre. label. . Pape. layou. package. Changin. th. margin. o. a documen. i. on. thin. peopl. lik. t. do. Whil. LATEX oer. built-i. option. t. se. th. margin. o. th. documents, som. peopl. fee. tha. thes. margin. ar. to. larg. an. wan. t. se. the. u. dierently. Yo. ca. us. th. packag. geometr. fo. thi. purpose, bu. not. tha. fo. th. sak. o. readability, you. line. shoul. no. contai. mor. tha. 60-70 characters. 5.. geometr. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/geometry. Notes. Th. packag. geometr. allow. t. chang. th. pape. siz. an. margin. o. you. documen. i. a. arbitrar. way. I. doe. no. provid. a typographicall. correc. pag. layou. lik. a. o. th. standar. options, though. 20 . Package. require. b. module. 6.. endnote. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/misc/endnotes.st. Notes. Th. packag. endnote. i. neede. b. severa. module. t. plac. footnote. a. th. en. o. sections, tha. ar. the. s. calle. endnotes. 6.. Linguistic. modul. 6.2.. covingto. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/covington. Notes. Th. packag. covingto. provide. som. environment. an. command. usefu . fo. linguistics, suc. a. numbere. example. an. glosses. 6.2.. csquote. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/csquotes. Notes. Th. packag. csquote. provide. context-sensitiv. quotatio. mark. tha. adap. t. th. convention. o. th. actua. documen. language. I. i. use. b. th. Linguistic. modul. fo. th. characte. styl. Meaning. 6.2.. enumite. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/enumitem. Notes. Th. packag. enumite. provide. man. possibilitie. t. twea. th. appaeranc . o. list. (enumerate, itemize, description). I. i. use. b. th. Linguistic. modul. t. n. tun. th. appearanc. o. numbere. subexamples. 6.. Braill. modul. 6.3.. braill. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/braille. Notes. Th. packag. braill. make. i. possibl. t. typese. Braille, a characte. syste. fo. blin. people. 21 . Othe. package. 7.. accent. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/bezos. Notes. Th. packag. accent. i. neede. b. LYX t. correctl. typese. unicod. symbol. wit. unde. accent. i. math. 7.. algorith. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/algorithms. Notes. Th. packag. algorith. i. neede. b. LYX t. b. abl. t. outpu. algorithm oats. Thes. ar. usefu. i. placin. shor. algorithm. acros. pagebreak . an. suppor. a. inde. o. algorithms too. 7.. bibtopi. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/bibtopic. Notes. Th. packag. bibtopi. i. use. t. spli. BibTEX create. bibliographie. int. sections. 7.. dvipos. Found. ye. URL. http://freshmeat.net/projects/dvipost. Notes. dvipos. i. a post-processo. fo. DVI le. create. b. LATEX an. TEX. I. i. neede. b. LYX t. generat. DVI o. Postscrip. outpu. o. chang. trackin. marks. T. wor. properly, dvipos. need. teTEX versio. 2 o. newer. 7.. esin. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/esint. Notes. Th. packag. esin. i. use. t. typese. mathematica. integra. signs. Th. mos. commonl. use. integra. sign. ca. b. typese. withou. thi. package, bu. the. d. no. alway. loo. consistent, sinc. the. com. fro. dieren. fonts. Th. esin. packag. oer. a consisten. loo. o. al. integra. symbols, an. mor. advance. integral. suc. a. th. tripl. integra. \iiint. 22 7.. fancybo. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/fancybox. Notes. Th. packag. fancybo. i. neede. t. dra. frame. aroun. boxe. (men. Inser. . Box). 7.. fancyhd. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/fancyhdr. Notes. Th. packag. fancyhd. (previousl. know. a. fancyheadings) i. use. whe. yo. selec. th. fancy pag. styl. i. th. documen. layou. popup. I. provide. alternat. header. an. footer. t. you. pages. 7.. ifthe. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/base/ifthen. Notes. Th. packag. ifthe. provide. conditiona. command. (i. ... the. ... else) fo. LATEX documents. Thi. functionalit. i. neede. b. som. classe. an. modules. 7.. jurabi. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/jurabib. Notes. Th. packag. jurabi. (http://www.jurabib.org) ca. b. use. a. a. alternativ . t. natbib, t. ge. exibl. bibliographic style. wit. LYX. I. support . cit. style. whic. ar. commo. i. huma. science. an. la. studies, footcites, ibidems, an. more. You'l. nee. t. hav. jurabib versio. 0.6 a. least. 7.1. listing. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/listings. Notes. Th. packag. listing. i. use. b. LYX t. displa. progra. listing. (sourc. cod. snippets). I. support. man. progra. languages, synta. highlighting, lin. numbers, etc. 23 7.1. natbi. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/natbib. Notes. Th. packag. natbi. i. neede. b. LYX t. produc. a exibl. interfac. t. mos. o. th. availabl. bibliographic style. (yo. ca. als. us. jurabi. instead). 7.1. nicefra. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/units. Notes. Th. packag. nicefra. i. neede. b. LYX t. creat. fraction. i. tex. siz. (lik. 3/5). 7.1. nomenc. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/nomencl. Notes. Th. packag. nomenc. i. neede. b. LYX t. produc. a nomenclature. 7.1. pdfpage. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/pdfpage. Notes. Th. packag. pdfpage. i. use. b. LYX t. includ. multi-pag. PDF le. via Inser. . Fil. . Externa. Material. 7.1. prettyre. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/prettyre. Notes. Th. packag. prettyre. provide. a comman. t. identif. referenc. label. b. a prex. LYX use. label. i. th. for. sec:mysection an. prettyre. interpret. th. "sec:" part. 24 7.1. previe. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/previe. Notes. Th. packag. previe. i. neede. b. LYX t. previe. LATEX constructs; especiall. fo. mat. formula. whe. yo. us. th. optio. Instan. Preview i. Tools->Preferences->Loo. an. feel->Graphics. 7.1. rotatin. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/rotatin. Notes. Th. packag. rotatin. i. neede. b. LYX t. chang. th. orientatio. o. som. part. o. you. documents. Not. tha. i. onl. reall. work. wit. a PostScrip. compatibl. printer. 7.1. rotoa. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/rotfloa. Notes. Th. packag. rotoa. i. neede. b. LYX t. rotat. oat. sideways. Not. tha. i. onl. reall. work. wit. a PostScrip. compatibl. printer. 7.1. slashe. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/carlisle. Notes. Th. packag. slashe. i. neede. b. LYX t. correctl. typese. unicod. symbol. wit. slashe. i. math. 7.2. sub. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/subfi. Notes. Th. packag. sub. i. use. b. LYX t. produc. suboat. (i. e., subgures, subtables, etc.). Suboat. ar. oat. tha. ar. embedde. insid. othe. oat. an. tha. ca. hav. individua. subcaptions. 25 7.2. setspac. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/setspace. Notes. Th. packag. setspac. i. neede. b. LYX t. chang. th. lin. spacin. o. you. document. 7.2. sou. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/sou. Notes. Th. packag. sou. provide. hyphenatabl. letterspacin. (spacin. out), underlining, strikin. out, an. som. derivatives. I. i. neede. b. LYX t. outpu. struc. ou. tex. i. chang. tracke. documents. 7.2. unit. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/units. Notes. Th. packag. unit. i. neede. b. LYX t. properl. typese. unit. i. formulas. 7.2. ur. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/misc/url.st. Notes. Th. packag. ur. i. neede. b. LYX t. b. abl. t. outpu. url'. corrently. 7.2. wrap. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/wrapfig. Notes. Th. packag. wrapfi. i. use. b. LYX i. yo. inser. tex. wra. oat. (men. Inser. . Float). I. allow. yo. t. creat. a gur. oa. whic. i. narrowe. tha. th. ful. pag. an. wra. th. tex. aroun. it. 26 7.2. xarg. Found. n. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/xargs. Notes. Th. packag. xarg. i. use. b. LYX i. yo. inser. mat. macro. wit. optiona. arguments. 7.2. xcolo. Found. ye. CTAN. macros/latex/contrib/xcolo. Notes. Th. packag. xcolo. provide. advance. colo. feature. tha. ar. no. covere . b. LATEX'. standar. colo. package. LYX use. i. t. outpu. colore. chang. trackin. marks. 27