On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 16:43 +0100, Alex Fernandez wrote:
> Hi again,
> Version 0.4 (20090312) is uploaded:
>   http://wiki.lyx.org/Tools/ELyXer
> Direct link:
>   http://wiki.lyx.org/uploads/Tools/eLyXer/elyxer-20090312.tar.gz
> It now ignores ERT, and supports footnotes, newlines, bibitem entries
> and citations. If you are interested in living on the rough frontiers
> of command line tools please give it a spin.
> Thanks,
> Alex.


it started producing html's for me :D

Notes (which you probably already know):
# using the KOMA-Script article class

1. All footnotes appear as normal text exactly there where they are
inserted in LyX' document and therefore cannot be distinguished from the

2.  The section titles defined as "Section*" environments are ignored
and appear as normal text

3. The lstparams (parameters for the listings package) appear also in
the text.

4. Indentation of the LyX-Code environment is ignored

5. Pictures are used without the scaling that is defined within LyX
(well... I don't know how hard this would be to implement).

6. I would like to be able to control the "Copyright (C) 2009 by..."
message if possible, i.e. to be able to switch it off.

Cheers, Nikos

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