neGODnick schrieb:
We have mathtext package to write russian in math mode. By default russian letters are upright, but we can say:\DeclareSymbolFont{T2Aletters}{T2A}{cmr}{m}{it}
Can you send a small example LyX file, because when I use this command, I get a LaTeX error that T2A is unknown. Do you have some special Cyrillic packages installed that makes it available? (I'm asking because I can successfully compile LyX's Russian and Ukrainian documentation files.)
аnd make them italic (or slanted etc.). That is very important possibility, but in LyX it doesn't work! No effect! I think, the occasion is in LyX code, which programm adds into document:\declarerobustcommand{\lyxmathsym}[1]{\ifmmode\begingroup\de...@ld{bold} \def\rmorbf##1{\ifx\m...@version\b@ld\textbf{##1}\else\textrm{##1}\fi} \mathchoice{\hbox{\rmorbf{#1}}}{\hbox{\rmorbf{#1}}} {\hbox{\smaller[2]\rmorbf{#1}}}{\hbox{\smaller[3]\rmorbf{#1}}} \endgroup\else#1\fi}but I don't know, how to resolve this problem. Russian text in formulae LyX writes as $\lyxmathsym{«Эптнц»}$. Could you help me to fix it?
It should work when you add the Cyrillic characters to math text (shortcut Alt+M M) like in the attached example. Because without being in math text you would get LaTeX errors because math in LaTeX was not designed to have a certain language and use characters that are not math characters.
regards Uwe
Description: application/lyx