On Sun, 2009-03-01 at 15:42 +0000, Robert Neumann wrote:
> Hello,
> I use Lyx 1.3.4 on a SuSE Linux. I'm using the document-class article.
> Is there a way to "switch" the dots in the toc between header ans pagenumber 
> on
> and off?
> How can I change the space between the dots?
> Thanks
> Robert

Hi Robert.

What you are looking for is described in the documentation of the
"tocloft" package. You need to load the tocloft package of course:

% put this in the Preamble

To make the dots to disappear you would need to put in your preamble (or
before the "toc" in your document as an ERT I think... !?) something
like "\renewcommand{\cftXdotsep}{\cftnodots}" where X is chap (for
chapter), sec (for section) and more....

% for example, to switch off the dots for scetion entries

The documentation is very useful. You can get it from

Hope this helps.
Cheers, Nikos

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