2009/2/14 James C. Sutherland <james.sutherl...@utah.edu>:
> On Feb 14, 2009, at 9:51 AM, Ralph Boland wrote:
>>>> I'm teaching a math class where the students use lyx to write down their
>>> ideas and proofs, and it would be nice to > have a way to use lyx to post
>>> to
>>> a discussion or write in a wiki.
>>> This will be hard, because every Wiki has its own syntax. But for
>> MediaWiki, the engine that is used by the Wikipedia > and other Wikis, you
>> can highlight formula part in LyX and copy/paste them to the Wiki. This is
>> possible, because
>>> MediaWiki uses LaTeX for typesetting formulas.
>>> For more special applications, I would have a look of you find some
>> solution where you can use LaTeX. Then you
>>> can simply copy/paste things from LyX's LateX output.
>>> regards Uwe
>> I would like to see a wiki that uses Lyx as its editor.
>> Editing in Lyx is afterall, pretty simple for the most part.
>> Of course such a wiki would be limited to those who have Lyx
>> unless the wiki also supports simple text editing of simple text
>> submissions. I have not thought through what changes to Lyx
>> would be needed to support this.
>> Perhaps we could have a wiki for Lyx that works this way!?
>> I'd be willing to make a wiki for my open source project
>> that works this way, once it  is ready for release, but alas,
>> at the current rate of progress, that will be years from now.
>> Ralph Boland
> There has been some discussion of this topic in this forum from time to
> time.  The tricky (well perhaps not tricky, but at least very time
> consuming) part is writing the import/export filters for the wiki syntax.  I
> use mediawiki with emacs to edit pages, and use LyX to quickly generate the
> LaTeX code for equations.  A bit tedious, but it seems to work well...

Another solution would be using DocBook support in LyX and then
converstion to HTML pages in some engine automatically. But still may
need a lot of work.

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