On Sat, 7 Feb 2009, Pavel Sanda wrote:
Christian Ridderström wrote:
perhaps a live CD with a whatever-Lyx would be helpful to demonstrate its
merrit to those who care
Actually, a complete installation of LyX, LaTeX and various software on a
CD could be a good idea, assuming it can be run without installing it.
I'm not sure it's feasible though.
iirc this is already done on some knoppix live CD/DVD.
I wasn't clear enough... I was actually thinking of Windows users, and
that they'd be able to run LyX from the CD, but still inside Windows and
not by booting into eg Knoppix.
Using a virtual machine might be an idea, but then you have the problem of
how the user will access the .lyx-file from inside the VM.
Christian Ridderström Mobile: +46-70 687 39 44