On Sun, 8 Feb 2009, Doug Laidlaw engaged keyboard and shared this with us all: >--} That isn't what is in the drop-down spelling config. I can have > "English" --} or "Canadian". If I choose English, I get U.S. spellings, > and British is --} flagged as errors. That is certainly not enough. > Perhaps aspell can be --} influenced by my Locale settings, but LyX blocks > that. Certainly I can have --} British spellings elsewhere. >--} >--} Doug. >--}
I use aspell in Linux Debian Lenny, but have only the British word lists installed. Maybe that makes a difference? Charlie -- Registered Linux User:- 329524 *********************************************** Everywhere you look The mountains are covered With mist and blooming cherry trees. ................Ryokan (1758-1831) *********************************************** Debian, just the best way to create magic _______________________________________________