On Thursday 05 February 2009 04:01:47 Niklas Huldén wrote:
> Joachim K. Rennstich wrote:
> > Thanks, Ian, for the fast reply
> >
> >> Configuration files should handled with a text editor. I don't know
> >> what that would be for your system but something like Vim, Gedit, Kate
> >> etc. You will probably need to edit this file as root.
> >
> > I am using Lyx 1.6.1 on Mac OS X 10.5.6. Unfortunately, I don't really
> > know how to locate (and thus edit) the file in question. Sorry, I am one
> > of those GUI folks who have no clue about the underlying structure of
> > the Mac OS...
> In your program folder you have a program called "Textedit". Use that
> program to open the file "/usr/local/etc/aspell.conf".
> And as your earlier post said:
> Remove the line "home-dir $HOME/Library/Preferences/aspell" (line 38
> including blanks), or disable it by adding a "#" sign at the begining.
> Save the file, exit Textedit and start LyX again
> best regards
> Niklas

I am no longer on a Mac, but up to a couple of years ago, the system would not 
show the /usr directory in a GUI application. So the file open dialog of a 
regular GUI text editor would not even show you the file.
Besides, if you need root privileges to write on it, you'd definitely need to 
go through the command line (i.e. the Terminal app)

Things may have changed, though.


Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy          Ph:  (979) 862-2211
Texas A&M University              Fax: (979) 845-0458
305B Bolton Hall                  fran...@philosophy.tamu.edu
College Station, TX 77843-4237

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