Hello fellow LyX users,
I have to take a decision: wether to split my doctoral thesis in different
files or not. Some people told me a thesis is HUGE and I should split the file
into chapters or parts, but I'm afraid that something goes wrong at any time
during the writing.
It will be around 300 pages italian book (600,000 characters) in koma-script,
with several Lilypond-imported examples, BibLaTeX-driven bibliography, indexes,
cross-references, loads of tables, etc. etc.
I'm using Lyx 1.6.1 in a quite healthy Windows XP sp3 environment on the best
laptop system you could buy 4 years ago, a Dell Inspiron 9400.
I already wrote something like 1/4 of the thesis and PDF output need some 10
seconds to be produced (less if I just refresh and made small edits) - if the
proportion is the same, I expect to wait not more than 40 seconds once the work
is about to the end (which is annoying but won't kill): am I wrong?
Some opinion/suggestion/experience?