On Jan 27, 2009, at 1:25 PM, Anders Host-Madsen wrote:

Jens Noeckel <noec...@...> writes:

yes, some of the lfun names have changed over time. For cross-
references, you now have to invoke the lengthy command "dialog-show-
new-inset ref"... In LyX 1.6.x you can find these function names by
searching in the Preferences > Editing > Shortcuts panels.

I have wondered about the same thing. At least on Mac, when
I search for
ref in the shortcuts, the only thing
coming up is reference-next, no
insert-ref. If I search on ins there are lots
of inserts (citation, quotation), but
no cross reference. Could this be a
bug in the Mac version?

Yes, I think what's happening is that I see these shortcuts in the LyX preferences on my Mac, precisely because I have already defined shortcuts for them in a custom bind file. If these "inset" lfuns aren't bound to anything, they apparently don't show up in the LyX preferences at run time... one could say that's a bug, or a missing feature.

It's been a while, but I think what I did to find out these shortcuts is this: choose the desired dialog from the menu and watch the status line at the bottom of the LyX window. There you'll see what the corresponding LFun is that opens the dialog, e.g., for references, or graphics, etc. Then I went into my bind file and entered shortcuts for these commands by hand.

There's some room for improvement to inset shortcuts more user- friendly, I guess...


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