Having *finally* managed to persuade LyX to generate bibliographies at all, I now find that LyX seemingly cannot handle characters with diacritic marks (i.e. UniCode) in .bib files when exporting them to PDF, etc. Unfortunately this really has to work for me as it will be the case with a very large number of European, etc., author's names and so on.

If this is "how it is meant to be" or "the way it is", *please* add some information to this effect in the tutorial and user guide or somewhere prominent, so that users needing this can "quit early" and look for another another solution. On the other hand, the "internationalisation" section of the "features" blurb mentions "unicode compliance" in passing...

Does anyone have any remedies for this? Preferably simple: I am all out of time to do more of the kind of fiddling I have had to do so far.

I've tried setting the language encoding to utf8, but it generates an empty document and complains that 'utf8.def' isn't present. Setting language encoding to 'Unicode (XeTeX) generates output (without "crashing" during the conversion), but the characters aren't correct. I can't generate plain text (ps2ascii) at all. Generating PostScript, generates output but also gets the characters wrong. And on it goes, randomly trying this, that and the other in vain attempts to make something work...! :-(

Is there some version or other of the main LaTeX installation that I am "supposed" to be using? (And if that's the case, shouldn't LyX be check that it's a sane choice, etc?)

Grant Jacobs
Grant Jacobs Ph.D.                                     BioinfoTools
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