Hi there! I'm using Lyx and would like to write a letter with scrlttr2.
Now, as scrlttr2 does not provide the \section and \subsection macros and I'd like to get headings like this: 1. Heading One 1.1. Subheading I figured, I use the enumerate function and change the second and third level to arabic. So far I have copied the scrlttr2.layout file and inserted the following code Preamble \newif\ifletterclosed \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\arabic{enumi}.} \renewcommand{\labelenumii}{{\arabic{enumi}.}\arabic{enumii}.} \renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{{\arabic{enumi}.\arabic{enumii}.}\arabic{enumiii}.} EndPreamble This works (almost) fine in the output and I get the desired numering (1. 1..1. and so on). However, Lyx does not use the arabic numbering but keeps counting the levels as: 1. (a) i. I'd like to change that and I don't have a clue how to do this. Could anybody please point me in the right direction?? And while we're at at: How do I change the indentation and formatting of the second and third level in both the output file AND in Lyx? (I'd like NO indentation at all and would like to use a sans serif type in bold for the headings). Thanks a lot!!