Anders Host-Madsen wrote:
I just discovered LyX. What a great program!
Welcome! :)
I have been using LateX and MS Word for many years, but never been happy. This
looks just like what I have been looking for. I have some basic questions
1. I use LyX on OS X 10.5.6. Graphics (eps and pdf) never show up. It just says
'error converting...' This is true even for the LyX user manual. When I typeset
using latex, the figures look fine. What could be the problem?
> [...] I use gwtex.
It looks like you don't have ImageMagick installed.
To give you the least trouble-some experience, we recommend switching
from gwtex to MacTeX-2008. It also includes ImageMagick.
2. Many classes show Unavailable: specifically, I'm interested in the IEEETran.cls. I have the IEEETran.cls file, but how do I get it into the system so that LyX can use it? It may be an issue of installing it in my Latex installation.
Switch to the full MacTeX-2008, and you are done. If I remember
correctly, ieeetran is included there (just as almost anything else).