> \newcommand*{\OriginalQuote}{} > \let\OriginalQuote\quote > \renewcommand*{\quote}{\OriginalQuote\small\sffamily}
That's perfect for me (just deleted \ssfamily I didn't like it). The problem is that I use Quote environments in footnotes (ok, this could sound strange to someone, but it's not uncommon in my field), but of course it set the font size to \small which is bigger than the foot size, so the text/quote effect is lost and reversed. Is there a way to specify something like \smallerthanbefore or \smallerthanparentenvironment rather than simply \small? BTW Can one tell me why those LaTeX geniuses invented \smaller if this could set something BIGGER?? ??? ;) One more seriuos question, koma-related: how can I, let's say, double the length of indent or set it longer? thx Piero