I recently installled LyX 1.6.1 from sources (on a Kubuntu 8.10/KDE 4.2 beta 
machine) and I seem to have lost all access to the English Thesaurus. It is no 
longer present in the drop-down Tools menu, nor in the right-click pop-up 
list.  Is there some special package I need to install either beofre or after 
compiling LyX to have it working?

There is a short thread on the list that refers to Thesaurus problems, but it 
seems to address the issue of making it work in other languages (Spanish, 



Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy          Ph:  (979) 862-2211
Texas A&M University              Fax: (979) 845-0458
305B Bolton Hall                  fran...@philosophy.tamu.edu
College Station, TX 77843-4237

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