
here is another question I have on XeTex. In the wiki I found the following instruction:

You need to select the encoding utf8-plain (in Document→Settings→Language→Encoding) for XeTeX. If you select utf8-plain…

Did I do that right? I tried the following two encodings:
In this case I get loads of "Package inputenc"-errors.

Like this I get some errors, like"Paragraph ended before \...@chapter was complete."

And added this to the preamble:
\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Day Roman}%
\setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Gill Sans}%
\setmonofont[Mapping=tex-text]{Courier New}%

If I choose the prefs for the chosen language I could compile the file, but in the text there are displayed spaces instead of mutated vowels now.
Did I do something wrong? Do I have to enter the encoding elsewhere?


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