-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: John White [mailto:j...@lawquest.com]
Sendt: fr 2009-01-09 17:38
Til: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Emne: printing table of contents
>I'm using lyx 1.6.1 (article) on a linux slackware system (vector 5.9).  
>I cannot figure out how to put the table of contents in the document before 
>printing it.  TOC works fine for >getting around the document (as 
>does navigate).  But when I try to insert it into the document for final 
>printing, I do not get the table of >contents.  All I get is the word 
>"Contents."  No other data.

Just a thought: What is the setting for TOC in Document->settings->numbering & 


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