Hi >I am about to author and prepare a book on photography, which is bound >to have many... well, photos :). >I will hopefully be using Lyx on an Intel-based Mac and i am wondering >about two features (that is, if they are available or not):
I published a book with more than 400 pictures this fall, and lyx worked like a treat for me. If you haven't used lyx before you should add some time to learn using it. >a) Will i be able to have spell checking in Greek with something like >cocoAspell ? I'm not on a mac, but lyx supports aspell (along ispell and hspell). I guess I would download lyx and test it. >b) Is it possible that, whenever i insert an image, have it >automatically scaled to fit on the with of the "page"? Yes. With the new graphics groups you can easy asign size such as % of paperwith. c) Is it possible that, whenever i insert an image have Lyx create an auto-caption containing the filename of the inserted image? I would suggest no, eventhough it is possible with a LaTeX macro. However, I would probably take more time learning LaTeX than copy and past the name to the caption every time. HTH Ingar