On Jan 5, 2009, at 5:47 PM, Stefano Franchi wrote:
Hi all,

whle trying to fix some problem with my customized bindings, I ended up losing all of them and I now need to rewrite them from scratch. Not a big deal, except that I cannot find the functions corresponding to the menu commands

"View>PDF(pdflatex)" and

they do not seem to be present in the list of functions available from within the interface, and the functions are not visible in the minibuffer when called
from the menu.
I tried "buffer-view pdf" and "buffer-update pdf", but they correspond (judging from the resutls in the menu) to the View>PDF(ps2pdf) which should not be same
as View>PDF(pdflatex)

Hi Stefano,

Try "buffer-view pdf2" and "buffer-update pdf2" when you are defining your new bindings.


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