here is he path as I would describe it
Unfortunately not.
Maybe this helps: in the references-dialogue (BibTex-
Literaturverzeichnis) I have chosen a biblatex-style, which has the
following path:
Could it be
It doesn´t work like this neither, but maybe it is similar?
******************** There it is:
Finally it works! thank you so much! It needed the english word
"documents" instead of "Dokumente" (which is the displayed name of the
I still will have to change some formatting like using italics, german
quotations etc., but it works for a start now.
BTW if you use the biblatex module, you do not need a dedicated
layout. The normal KOMA report layout will do as well.
Does that mean, that I do not have to install every class I want to
use separately? That would be great! Just choosing the module in
document -> settings -> modules?
That´s really good to hear!
Thanks a lot, I would have given up without you…