
Applying your recommendation did result in the text going to landscape mode. Thank you.

I am still having difficulties with implanting the plots in the document but did manage to get two of the smaller ones embedded. Lyx, or something, keeps wanting to clip off the right hand side of the graph.


Bennett Helm wrote:
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Bob Wonderly <> wrote:
I want to create a short math book that incorporates mostly large PDF graphs
(generated by gnuplot). These graphs need to be displayed landscape. There
will be some explanatory text and equations. How can I make the whole book
landscape format?

Thus far my attempts are only displaying part of the graphs and the text is
still portrait.

I looked at the FAQ's and did specify "\usepackage{lscape}".

Document > Settings > Page Layout > Orientation


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