I just published a book through Booksurge created from a lyx generated PDF. Setting aside pros and cons of that particular publisher, despite their lengthy and (to me) incomprehensible requirements regarding embedded fonts etc., they accepted my lyx generated PDF as is.
The book is all text except for line text boxes (simple frame) and a custom bullet specified from the document settings menu. If you would like to see the interior, within a week or so Amazon claims it will display interior text using its "search inside the book" feature. This will "scanned" from the same Lyx generated PDF document. Search for "Dorothy's Oz Dream: A Guide to Enchantment and Empowerment." Miscellaneous specs listed below. A big THANK YOU to Uwe and other Lyz developers, Jonathan Kroner Lyz Specifications Lyx 1.6.0 and Miktex 2.7 Koma script book class, 12 pt palatino font, Layout: custom 9.5 x 6.25 inches. margins (inches): top 1.0625 bottom .75 inner .75 outer .875 head sep .31 The 9.5 x 6.25 inches layout was driven by trying to fit ~40,000 words on fewer than 150 pages. Why did I care? Because Booksurge has a wholesale price point jump at 150 pp. Otherwise, 9 x 6 inches is a more standard dimension for US trade publications. I used two ERTs \date{} to get rid of the title page's date \setlist{nolistsep} to get rid of space between rown in list enviros (I used this with the preamble entry "\usepackage{enumitem}", see below. Excerpt from Preamble: \usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle \ifpdf % if pdflatex is used % set fonts for nicer pdf view \IfFileExists{lmodern.sty}{\usepackage{lmodern}}{} % link all cross references and URLs in pdf output \usepackage[colorlinks=true, bookmarks, bookmarksnumbered, linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, urlcolor=blue, filecolor=blue, pdfpagelayout=OneColumn, pdfnewwindow=true, pdfstartview=XYZ, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels, pdfauthor={Jonathan Kroner}, pdftex, pdftitle={Dorothy's Oz Dream},pdfsubject={Guide to Enchantment and Empowermentl}, pdfkeywords={Dorothy, Oz, Enchantment, Empowerment}]{hyperref} \else % if dvi or ps is produced % link all cross references and URLs in dvi output \usepackage[ps2pdf]{hyperref} \fi % end if pdflatex is used % define page head line \usepackage{scrpage2} \pagestyle{scrheadings} \lehead{\pagemark} \rehead{\leftmark} \rohead{\pagemark} \lohead{\rightmark} \ifoot{} \cfoot{} \ofoot{} % don't number chapter pages \renewcommand*{\chapterpagestyle}{empty} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{enumitem} %this is for elimnitaing rows b/t items with setlist nolistsep % the pages of the TOC are numbered roman % and a pdf-bookmark for the TOC is added \pagenumbering{roman} \let\myTOC\tableofcontents \renewcommand\tableofcontents{% \pdfbookmark[1]{Contents}{} \myTOC \cleardoublepage \pagenumbering{arabic} } % redefine the \LyX macro for PDF bookmarks \def\LyX{\texorpdfstring{% l\kern-.1667em\lower.25em\hbox{y}\kern-.125e...@} {LyX }} Problems: The book included a works cited and recommended reading appendix which I created manually. I would have liked to have used Lyx's bibliography feature, but I could not figure out how to make a bibliography entry and have it appear only in the bibliography, but not in the text. Because it is a nonacademic text, I did not want to disrupt the text's flow with citations. But I did want to tie the references to the text because I did a lot of cutting and pasting sections from one chapter to another, which then required me to manually correct the works cited section. The "microtype" solved a lot of problems with margins. And I think it improved the book's look. -- Jonathan Kroner http://jonathankroner.com/ http://floridafalseclaim.com/ Miami, Florida USA