Adding the attached module produces a classic decoration and disables
the buttons on the extras toolbar, but the font is still the default
(typewriter appeared in previous versions) and the text is not TeX
code. Is this problem specific to mac or am I missing some extra
command in the module to specify using TeX?
On Dec 15, 2008, at 11:53 AM, rgheck wrote:
Brian Kidd wrote:
Previous versions of LyX had tabs for TeX code so that one could
open or close the inset by a single mouse click. The latest
version allows for opening of the inset by a single click, but to
close the inset one must now right click and select close inset.
Is there a way to get a tab back so I can open or close the TeX
inset with a single click? I'm running LyX 1.6 on a mac intel.
Use the attached module.
#Make ERT Classic
Format 11
InsetLayout ERT
Decoration classic