I use Lyx on a Mac Intel laptop. While I find it very useful, there are some difficulties with writing math.

1. Suppose I have a math symbol #1 which has is subscriptedt. I now want to insert a second symbol #2 immediately to the left of #1. When I try to put a subscript on #2 the insertion point appears as a subscript on #1. This problem does not happen every time but does most times.

2. Selection by dragging in a math formula is very sensitive. It often selects too little and when tries to correct it overshoots.

3. Cursor placement is very sensitive in math mode: If I put the cursor between to symbols the selection point often appears outside the range of the two symbols. When selecting by use of the shift key and say a right arrow the selection often goes to the left!

4. The page position jumps around a lot. Partly as a result of an equation compiling on the fly or un-compiling for editing an equation. Is there away to turn off on the fly compiling and select when desired? The default is that it seems to compile when the equation typing is finished.

5. The default is that equations are unnumbered. I would prefer that the default be that all equations are automatically numbered. Is there a way of setting this?

William Mullin
| William J. Mullin Professor Emeritus of Physics | | Department of Physics Hasbrouck Lab |
 | University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003-3720          |
| Internet address: mul...@physics.umass.edu | | Voice: 413-545-0822 | | Fax: 413-545-1691 |
 | Home page: http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~wmullin/             |

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