In Document>Settings>Bibliography, choose "Natbib" and then "Numerical" for "Natbib Style". Then, in Document>Settings>Document Class, under Class Options, Custom, put the word: super.

That said, your girlfriend really should use a BibTeX editor. I can't myself get this working without doing it that way. Download JabRef for her. It's /very/ easy to use.


Luca De Marini wrote:
Hallo everyone, first post :)
I use Lyx since quite a lot now and I really love it, though my girlfriend
found problems usin it, since she has to create a bibliography.
I know you'd tell me to use bibtex or something like that but:
1) I don't know how to use those database based bibliography tools, nor have
time to learn, plus my girlfriend is an informatic dumb.
2) She hasn't common necessities..
What she needs is this:

In the text, somewhere she should be able to put a umber over a word, like
when you use a common note in Lyx. Now, the text in the note should not be
displayed on the end of the page or on the side... it should instead be
shown on the end of the document or of the chapter. That's her problem. She
needs a way to achieve this. For example, int he document, she would like to
put a number "1" over a word, then maybe over another word in another page,
etc... and at the end of the document, find a number "1" with her
bibliographic entry.

Don't ask me why she needs it, but she does. Her teachers whant the
bibliography to be written this way. MS Word can do it, Lyx cannot in my
experience. Why? Is there something I miss, can you tip me in any way
please? We really need a solution for that problem or Lyx is unusable for
her. Naturally, she cannot put the numbers by hand, or she would loose the
automated numbering feature of MS Word... like in notes for Lyx, in fact, if
you add a bibliography entry before the one tagged as number "1", the new
one becomes number "1" and the old one becomes automatically "2". So, the
automatism is of course necessary.

Ideas? Suggestions? Please help.
Also, if I didn't explain myself well, please ask me.

Luca D.M.

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