Am Donnerstag, den 04.12.2008, 16:45 +0000 schrieb Erez Yerushalmi:

> Then I'm really sorry.  I tried it with lyx 1.6.0 and \ce is not
> recognized. I probably need to load in the mhchem package.

Dear Erez,

I probably was not clear enough.

mhchem is a LaTeX package to write chemical compounds and reactions. \ce
is a macro of mhchem, so you have call for mhchem in LyX under Document
-> Settings -> Preamble.

I would like to enter mhchem macros in math mode rather than in plain
ERT, because then I have a preview. Somebody published in the LyX wiki a
little HowTo and an example file mhchem.lyx: (see the point Chemistry - Typesetting

If you open mhchem.lyx with a plain text editor then that somebody
managed to get this line into *mhchem.lyx*:

\begin_inset Formula $\text{\ce{H+ + OH- <=>> H2O}}$

I can open mhchem.lyx with LyX and see a preview of the reaction. I can
copy and paste it in LyX and see a preview. But I cannot reproduce
typing this in with LyX 1.5.5 on Ubuntu 8.04 and I want to know if I
miss something, if it is a bug or a regression (perhaps it did work only
with older versions?).

I hope I could point out my problem?!

Yours sincerely

Tobias Hilbricht

> I think I don't really understand what equation you are trying to put
> it.

>         \ce{...} is a macro of the mhchem package.

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