asm23 wrote:
Ran Manor wrote:
I just installed MikTex 2.7 and lyx 1.6 .
I started to write a new document, but when I do View -> DVI , lyx
do anything.
Also, when I do File -> Export -> DVI , no dvi file appears.
what can I do?
is there any log file I can check for errors?
- Ran
A DVI viewer is needed. and be associated with the DVI file type.
MiKTeX has a DVI viewer (yap), and the LyX installer typically finds this.
A LaTeX error might explain this. One thing to check is whether View ->
DVI changes the LyX status line (to, say, "Waiting for LaTeX run 1").
Another thing to check is whether View -> DVI produces a LaTeX log
(Document -> LaTeX Log) and, if so, whether it contains any error messages.