\cleardoublepage in ERT should do the trick. If not, did you try \clearpage{\pagestyle{empty} \cleardoublepage}?

-- Christian

Am 29.11.2008 um 00:52 schrieb Jonathan Kroner:

How can I change a single page's header?

The last page of a chapter is an odd numbered (right) page.
The next page (even number, left) includes a page number and chapter title as a header above the otherwise blank page. The following page is the first
page of a new chapter.
How to delete either the chapter title, or the chapter title and the page
number from a chapter's  last even-numbered page when it is blank.
I tried various erts from the Koma manual, but nothing happened.

Thank you.

Jonathan Kroner

The document is under Lyx 1.6.0rc3, Koma Book class and miktex (windows)
with options:
"intoc,refpage,bibtotoc,idxtotoc,BCOR7mm, scrpage, appendixprefix,
chapterprefix, smallheadings"

The latex preamble includes:
% define page head line










% don't number chapter pages


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