This message is more FYI: the "intoc" and "bibtotoc" options of the report(koma-scrpt) package, as well as the "addchap", "addpart" and their *-red counterparts to not create the correct hyperlinks in the PDF document. For the part/chapter, it will link on the page _before_ the start of your actual section, and the toc options will link below your chapter name! This is due to a bug in the packages (hyperref requires the \phantomsection fix, which koma-scrpt does not currently implement).
Instead of using the above commands, you should use the following Latex code if you're using hyperref. This example creates a bibliography chapter with the name "List of References". If you want it to not appear in the TOC, omit the line with a *. \cleardoublepage \phantomsection * \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bibname} Only after this use chapter* or part* instead of the addchap or the addpart koma-script commands, or if you want to begin the bibliography as in my case, you would continue with: \renewcommand{\bibname}{List of References} \begin{thebibliography} Have fun LyX-ing! Alex P.S. Should I also report this bug somewhere on CTAN where the packages reside? I can't figure out for the love of God where I can sign up for a user account on the Koma Script website, though my German is good enough. It only lets _existing_ users log in or renew passwords though!