Maybe I have just forgotten how to do this, but I have an existing file that I used the article (koma+ beamer) class with OR article (beamer) class .

However, switching classes just compiles as an article and not a presentation. Switching to the Beamer class gives me a presentation but with slides that are two to three times the depth they should be. But otherwise OK.

Just in case it was a Lyx 1.5.6/Mactex 2008 thing. I updated to lyx 1.6 and its exactly the same.

However, the sample Beamer file works fine .

The preamble in the file that isn't behaving is:

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]
%next four lines needed to print 4 to a page handout comment out for presentation
%\pgfpagesuselayout{4 on 1}[a4paper,border shrink=2mm]
%\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black!1}
%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]

I am sure I am doing something stupid, but at the moment its escaping me, so I would appreiate any help.



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