On Wed, 22 Oct 2008, Helge Hafting engaged keyboard and shared this with us all: <large snip> >--} > The tawny frogmouth graphic sits a bit high as you can see in the > attached --} > pic. Not a problem, just something I haven't as yet worked > out how to fix. I --} > don't like bothering the list. >--} >--} It is okay to ask questions on the list! That is one of the lists >--} purposes. People making demands or complaining loudly sometimes makes >--} themselves unpopular, but "how do I do that?" is fine. >--} >--} >--} When you use \includegraphic, the bottom edge of the picture >--} aligns with the text baseline. (Most letters sits on top of the >--} baseline, a few, like j and g extends under it.) >--} >--} There are quite a few ways to change that. A simple one is to >--} put the image inside a \raisebox command. Raise by a negative length >--} to get the image lower down. Some experimentation may be necessary to >--} get it just right. >--} >--} In some cases, one wants to line the image up so it matches something >--} else. Such as another image or a table. In such cases, put the >--} image inside a box (\parbox or \minipage). Such boxes can be aligned >--} in various ways: top alignment, bottom alignment, middle alignment. >--} You can usually get what you want, but it is not always trivial. >--} >--} LyX now comes with a file named "EmbeddedObjects.lyx", which >--} you can find from the help menu. It demonstrates lots of box stuff, >--} as well as the \raisebox trick. You can also find examples on the net. >--} >--} Helge Hafting
Thanks Helge - I will try those things. Be well, Charlie -- Registered Linux User:- 329524 *********************************************** When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms . . . --------MARY OLIVER *********************************************** Debian, just the best way to create magic _______________________________________________