Joachim Kreimer-de Fries wrote: > OK, I'm still on LyX 1.5.6. LyX 1.5.7 is not released yet. The fix I'm talking about has been put in yesterday, right after your report.
> BTW, the fact of easiest (undeclared and unconfigured) use of IPA- > Unicode should be more flashly, apparitionally presented as LyX > feature, impeding people like me of making indirections and endless > seeking how to achieve it. I agree. BTW did you come across this? You're invited to extend and propagate this site. LyX 1.6 will also ship a linguist example file that presents some of its new features. > BTW (2), I find the document class "tufte-layout" worth to be > transformed into a LyX document class, style or template - for the > time being I did not find a way to import the sample-handout into Lyx. Yes, this looks nice. Should not be too hard to write a layout for this. Jürgen