On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Paul A. Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Huaming Wu wrote:
>> Although I don't know whether "s:\TEMP" contains "non-ASCII and
>> multibyte characters" as you said, thank you for giving me the hint!
> One problem with "non-ASCII and multibyte characters" is that sometimes the
> little buggers are invisible (or at least don't display).  You might try
> deleting the entry and then typing s:\TEMP back in to see if it works.
It doesn't work still. But the other 2 paths I set works fine, which are:
C:\Documents and Settings\Bayes\temp, containing Chinese characters and space.

> The other thing that comes to mind is that if s:\TEMP is actually a link to a
> different directory, maybe the expanded path contains goofy characters (but
> this would seem to be less likely under Windows, where it takes considerable
> effort to create a symlink).
"s:" is a virtual hard drive created by ramdisk, and "s:\TEMP" is my
system's temporary directory.

> /Paul

Best regards,
Huaming Wu

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