On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 7:30 AM, William Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2008, at 9:55 AM, Ernesto Posse wrote:
>> No, it still doesn't work (either through pdflatex or dvips + ps2pdf
>> or dvips + distiller).
> Did you use the PDF/A-1b:2005 (CMYK) setting in Acrobat Distiller? I tried
> this w/ a .ps from dvips and it opened in PDF/A mode.

Yes, that was the setting. When I open the file, Acrobat indeed tells
me it is in PDF/A mode, but when I run preflight to check it it gves
me the error.

>> If I follow your instructions literally, using pdflatex, opening in
>> Acrobat and saving as PDF/A, Acrobat complains and tells me to use
>> preflight first.
> It shouldn't. You should save as PDF/A-1b, quit, then re-open the document.
> This should open it in PDF/A mode.

That's exactly what I tried.

>> I do so, but this time (from the pdflatex generated
>> file) I get a different error: "XMP property neither predefine nor
>> defined in extension schema".
> Strange. Can't find that error anywhere (even after adding the ``d'' after
> predefine).

The missing d was a typo, but I do get that error in preflight. If I
use latex + dvips + (distiller or ps2pdf) instead of pdflatex an error
saying that the width information of a glyph is inconsistent.

>> Could it be a problem with this version of Acrobat, maybe? (I'm using
>> Acrobat 9 Pro on Vista + MiKTeK 2.6)
> Well, your minimal example works w/ Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional on Mac OS X
> Leopard using MacTeX.
> I seem to recall your having mentioned files created by Adobe Acrobat not
> working either --- perhaps the problem is in your Acrobat installation?

I meant the PDF/A created by Acrobat from the PS file.

> Have you tried d/l'ing a PDF/A document from somewhere and testing it?

I do not have any other PDF/A files. I've tried running preflight in a
bunch of other pdf files from different origin, but the only one which
succeeded was a scanned document. The rest where mostly papers written
in either LaTeX or Word.

> I'm attaching files which I made w/ dvips/Acrobat and pdflatex --- if they
> don't read as PDF/A on your Acrobat, it's broken.

The files do open in PDF/A mode, but when I run preflight on them I get this:

Preflight errors from Untitled-ps.pdf

Syntax problem: Stream dictionary improperly formatted
Width information for glyphs is inconsistent (1 match on 1 page)


Device process color used but no PDF/A OutputIntent (1 match on 1 page)
XMP property not predefined and no extension schema present

It is possible that Acrobat 9 is broken. When developing software, new
versions sometimes introduce bugs that were not there before...

>> PS: I'm not sure how the hyperref package could help, as the document
>> doesn't have any hyperrefs; even the minimal file I posted earlier
>> fails...
> The hyperref package now has an option which will tag text so that one could
> use a PDF/A standard other than PDF/A-1b (which is for untagged text).

Right, but if it's unable to generate PDF/A-1b it's quite unlikely
that it would be able to generate a PDF/A-1a...

> William
> --
> William Adams
> senior graphic designer
> Fry Communications

Ernesto Posse

Applied Formal Methods Group - Software Technology Lab
School of Computing
Queen's University - Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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