Hello Fernando,
I ran into some troubles when trying to install lyx in my Macbook Pro.
As described on the Wiki, there are different ways to get LyX onto the
Mac. Some ways are easier (because better supported), and some are more
difficult ...
As suggested in the LyX/Mac wiki page, prior to installing lyx I installed
finx (Fink 0.9.0 Binary Installer (PowerPC) from the following webpage:
... and you ended up on a more difficult route.
Do you have a particular reason why you want to install LyX via Fink?
I am a new user to both Mac and
Latex, so you can image that I do not know what to do!!!
So I guess you don't.
I donĀ“t know hot to run texhash manually.
The immediate answer to your question would be:
Go to Terminal.app, and enter "sudo texhash" (without the quotes),
followed by your password.
But I would recommend to you a different route:
1) Remove Fink again (Question 5 on
2) Install MacTex, a complete Latex distribution for the Mac. If you can
still wait for a few days, install the fresh-from-the-oven MacTeX-2008
from <http://www.tug.org/mactex/>, otherwise you can also use the older
3) Install LyX from
(copy the included app to your Applications folder and then run the
This is the most common and most tested way to run LyX on the Mac.
Happy LyXing,